The HDR Color Picker is – besides the Float Slider – the second control that changes materials of the character. It uses our custom HDR Color format, which we do need to save and correctly restore your slider settings in the HDR Color Picker Dropdown. The picker itself can be customized depending on the type of color you want to change. Like the Float Slider it comes with a Tag and Parameter Name.
Tagged User Widget
- Tag is the very first property you should set. It defines what logic will be executed on value change:
- Skin sets a color parameter on the Skin material instances (“Body” and “Head”).
- Eyes sets a color parameter on the Eye material instances (“Eyes” and “Eyelashes”).
- Hairstyle sets a color parameter on the Hairstyle material.
- Can be Randomized see Tagged User Widget.
HDR Color Picker
- Display Name shows a header above the colors. It collapses if empty and “CanAlphaBeToggled” false.
- Parameter Name is relevant for what will be controlled.
- Default Color sets the picker on a specific value if no Customization Profile is loaded.
- Has Alpha enables an alpha slider in the HDR Color Picker Dropdown.
- Can Alpha be Toggled shows a checkbox besides the header and allows you to set the alpha to 0% without changing the color itself.
- Color Swatches contain all colors displayed in the picker. They are set by the default Unreal color type and get converted into our HDR Color format. May sound problematic for some cases, but it is just a little helper conversion. All values can be gotten and set in the default format as well. The widget is visually optimized for 10 colors, but more or fewer colors will work neatly.
The Color Swatch gets generated for each Color Swatch entry of the HDR Color Picker. On click it sets the color of the large swatch in the Color Picker and the specific parameter in the current Customization Profile.
The Dropdown gets opened by clicking on the large Color Swatch and controls the color in advanced detail.
As Hue
, Saturation
, Value
and Alpha
should be known from most pickers like the UE4 color picker, the additional Intensity
gives you the ability to tune “Value” from 0 to 500% while preserving the base value of the “Value” slider itself.
This gives you a better control for different color depths and base texture brightness in your materials and us the ability to restore HDR colors in the UI.