The Package Registry is based on the BP_PackageRegistry and BP_Package to register and load Customization Data Assets.
This is the data asset type for defining packages. It will be registered by the BP_PackageRegistry
and gives basic information about the ID and Display Name of the package.
The most important thing for a package is, that it must reside in the root folder of each package where Customization Data Assets shall be found. For example, Package data assets can be found like this, where "PKG" means "Package":
The Package Registry is an actor to be placed once per level and is used for registering and loading Customization Data Assets related to each BP_Package
that is registered. It is used by BP_CharacterCustomization and EUW_CharacterEditorTools, e.g. to randomize apparels and hairstyles.
Manually placing it in the level is optional, since if not present it will be spawned by the Blueprint using it.
spawns it in its Function: Initialize From Character Begin PlayEUW_CharacterEditorTools
spawns it through the user in its setup phase.